Arjun Bhandari
Greetings, I'm Arjun Bhandari from western Nepal. I have experience as a project geologist with several organizations in Nepal. I am currently pursuing my PhD degree at The University of Mississippi.
My research involves investigating the processes of surface water infiltration and recharge of the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer with an emphasis on recharge through alluvial fans. My study area is centered on the Harrisburg 7.5-minute quadrangle in northeastern Arkansas, where Crowleys Ridge divides the Mississippi valley into the Eastern and Western Lowlands. My research includes geologic mapping of the Harrisburg quadrangle and subsurface characterizations using geophysical methods that include ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity and HVSR passive seismic. The study seeks to tackle the serious problem of aquifer depletion, which has a significant impact on agricultural productivity, especially in Arkansas.