Welcome to the SHADE Lab at the University of Mississippi!

Graduate students reviewing Physiological data

The SHADE lab examines antecedents and consequences of prejudice, stigma, and bias. We use perspectives that examine both high and low status group members’ responses to discrimination and how this influences cognition, health, well-being, and intergroup relations. Our lab employs a variety of methodologies including both online and in lab experiments, longitudinal designs, and surveys. Across our research we utilize behavioral, self-report, and physiological reactivity measures to examine the broad consequences of stigma and bias.

Graduate students in Dr. Wellman's office Ana C. Vieira Zaidan speaking at SSSP 2023



Research Areas


We examine the experiences of being stigmatized and its consequences for the individual. Recent research has focused on stigma surrounding weight, sexual minority status, gender, race and the intersection between multiple stigmatized identities. 


We examine the health implications and consequences of stigmatization and discrimination. We have recently been examining the consequences of perceiving weight stigma cross-culturally on binge eating and wellbeing. We have also been examining gender and racial/ethnic differences in the impact of weight stigma.


We examine how one's social identity and group identification influence behavior, wellbeing and cognition. We have examined how social identity threat, masculinity threat and response to cultural/demographic shifts are influenced by and can influence group identification. We examine identity among both traditionally low and high status groups.   

Prejudice and Bias

We research how prejudice and bias influence our behaviors and intergroup interactions. Recently we have been examining bias towards LGBT populations, racial minorities, religious affiliation, and women. We have also been examining inter-minority racial bias and prejudice to better understand collective action and intergroup conflict.  


We often examine how individuals beliefs influence or moderate response to bias, social change, and intergroup interaction. Much of our work in this area focuses on zero-sum beliefs (e.g., belief that one group gains come at another groups loss), status legitimizing beliefs (e.g. belief systems that legitimize inequality in a social hierarchy) and other ideologies. 

Lab Highlights


Undergraduate at Poster Session SSSP 2024 Undergraduate at Poster Session SSSP 2024

Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists Conference 2024

The lab presented 3 conference talks and 2 posters at the Annual conference  for the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists in November 2024


cover JSI 2024

New Publication on Support for Critical Race Theory

Brianna Richmond and coauthors publish article in Journal of Social Issues! Across three studies we demonstrate that support for critical race theory is driven in part but a lack of understanding about what critical race theory is. A metacognitive training intervention was found to increase support for CRT's use. 

Masters Graduation 2024

MA Graduation 2024!

Congratulations to Ana C. Vieira Zaidan and Zoe Fischer on Completing their Masters in Experimental Psychology!